Complaint Process

Child and Family Services of Grand Erie (CFSGE) staff are committed to offering optimal service to children and families.

People receiving service from CFSGE have a right to have their voice heard.

A clear transparent process of how to make a complaint is available to people when they feel they have not been heard through those directly providing service to them.

Most concerns/complaints from people receiving service are dealt with by the assigned worker and/or their manager. Optimal outcomes can be achieved at this level and are necessary, as in most instances even after a complaint, the social worker and client must continue to have a working relationship.

The power associated with the mandate of child protection creates tensions. It should not be surprising that sometimes people are upset about decisions.

Although the complaint procedure should be clear and easy to access, it should also be noted that most concerns expressed are complex and developed over time. Our response needs to address the imminent concerns, while keeping in mind the complexity and uniqueness of each complaint.

As an agency, we collectively share the responsibility to serve families. A response to an individual complaint that is developed collectively not only promotes a shared responsibility but also allows for a response that is thorough, comprehensive, and creative.

As an agency, we seek to learn from each situation so that we can continually strive to achieve and reflect best practice.

Complaint Resolution Procedure

  1. Please speak with your assigned worker first and try to resolve the issues.
  2. If you are still concerned, you may speak with, or request a meeting with, the assigned worker’s Manager.
  3. You can also choose to make a written complaint to the Society and receive a response within 7 days about whether your complaint is eligible for review.
  4. If your complaint is not resolved, you may request an Internal Complaints Review Panel (ICRP) form from your worker. Forms are also available at the office, or you can print from our public website.
  5. Under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), your complaint is not eligible for review if:
    • you are not a person who has sought or received services from the Society;
    • the issue is before the Court or has already been decided by the Court;
    • the matter is subject to another decision-making process under the CYFSA or The Labour Relations Act.
  1. If your complaint is eligible for review, a meeting with the Society’s Internal Complaints Review Panel will be scheduled within 14 days at a mutually convenient time, and you will be notified in writing.The ICRP members who hear your complaint will not be directly involved in your case.
  2. Within 14 days following this meeting you will receive a letter summarizing the meeting and next steps.

For more information about starting the Internal Complaints Review Panel process and to access the on-line form, please download the document:   Formal Complaint to a Society ICRP Form (EN) or Formal Complaint to a Society ICRP Form (FR)


If you feel that your concerns have not been heard or addressed through the steps outlined above, you may wish to speak to:

Formal Complaint through Child and Family Service Review Board (CFSRB)

 To contact the Child and Family Services Review Board, which is a neutral and independent third party, phone: 1-888-777-3616 or visit:

Information Sheet on the Complaint Process